Rubrics: AGRIS
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Abstract (English):
The cattle leukemia is a chronic infectious disease of tumor nature caused by the leukemia virus asymptomatic or manifested by lymphocytosis or the formation of tumors in hematopoietic and other organs and tissues. Hematological and neoplastic manifestation of a disease caused by a genetic predisposition and immunological failure of the body. The virus of bovine leukemia (BLV) belongs to the group of tumor RNA-containing viruses. Has a tropism for lymphoid cells and placed in them. The source of the pathogen are sick and BLV infected animals. Factors of transmission are blood, milk and other secrets, containing lymphoid cells. Infection of cattle occurs when sharing content with patients or animals infected with BLV. Morbidity occurs in many farms in the Siberian region. The presence of BLV in animals are recorded to and above 30 percent and Hematology from 01 to 2%.

hematological malignancies, the laboratory, the reaction immunodiffusion, leukemia key
The cattle leukemia is a chronic infectious disease of tumor nature caused by the leukemia virus asymptomatic or manifested by lymphocytosis or the formation of tumors in hematopoietic and other organs and tissues. Hematological and neoplastic manifestation of a disease caused by a genetic predisposition and immunological failure of the body. The virus of bovine leukemia (BLV) belongs to the group of tumor RNA-containing viruses. Has a tropism for lymphoid cells and placed in them. The source of the pathogen are sick and BLV infected animals. Factors of transmission are blood, milk and other secrets, containing lymphoid cells. Infection of cattle occurs when sharing content with patients or animals infected with BLV. Morbidity occurs in many farms in the Siberian region. The presence of BLV in animals are recorded to and above 30 percent and Hematology from 01 to 2%.

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