Rubrics: AGRIS
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Abstract (English):
Sources vascularization of the anterior trunk of wild birds, we found that the distribution of the arteries in the muscles of the shoulder girdle, there are general principles and morphological patterns that are typical of higher vertebrates. The level of the entry of the arteries in the muscles of the shoulder girdle in the studied birds are different. In the area of the chest, and the muscles in Mallard nadkorakoidnoy it is located in its front third of the muscle, and the owl owl and goshawk - in the heart muscle. Histological examination indicated that intraorgannye artery, according to our data, refer to the muscle type, the surface of the intima folded, it can be stretched during the passage of the pulse wave.

artery, shoulder girdle, wild birds
Sources vascularization of the anterior trunk of wild birds, we found that the distribution of the arteries in the muscles of the shoulder girdle, there are general principles and morphological patterns that are typical of higher vertebrates. The level of the entry of the arteries in the muscles of the shoulder girdle in the studied birds are different. In the area of the chest, and the muscles in Mallard nadkorakoidnoy it is located in its front third of the muscle, and the owl owl and goshawk - in the heart muscle. Histological examination indicated that intraorgannye artery, according to our data, refer to the muscle type, the surface of the intima folded, it can be stretched during the passage of the pulse wave.

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