Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problems of the Russian agriculture linked with unsatisfactory social, economic, ecological and demographic conditions are considered in the article. The authors propose to develop organic farming as a part of protectionist strategy. Nowadays the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia examines the law «Production of organic food». The adoption of this act can force creation of corresponding legislation concerning development of organic agriculture. The paper also touches the solutions of agricultural issues, and explains real situation in organic farming of the country. It is underlined that sustainable development of agriculture, carrying out of social rural programs and other kinds of reforming are impossible without organic principles, ploughing of wastelands and also development of the Far North territories. So, the authors recommend working out projects of rational land use including ecological aspects for all agricultural enterprises. Ecologization of agricultural policy takes place, for example, in Belgorod region where the regional government adopted some laws directed to introduction and support of green farming methods. Taking into consideration difficult landscape conditions, it is very positive changes. We think that use and protection schemes of land and water resources (instead of complex use and protection schemes of water objects) would be more suitable for consideration on municipal level. All other problems could be solved by intrafarm land use planning projects of agricultural enterprises. In conclusion, we have to emphasize the role of the government in advance of green farming, because the profit-seeking market economy is destructive for agriculture, especially for that based on ecological principles.

organic farming, sustainable development of agriculture, ecological aspects of territory organization, adaptive-landscape farming
The problems of the Russian agriculture linked with unsatisfactory social, economic, ecological and demographic conditions are considered in the article. The authors propose to develop organic farming as a part of protectionist strategy. Nowadays the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia examines the law «Production of organic food». The adoption of this act can force creation of corresponding legislation concerning development of organic agriculture. The paper also touches the solutions of agricultural issues, and explains real situation in organic farming of the country. It is underlined that sustainable development of agriculture, carrying out of social rural programs and other kinds of reforming are impossible without organic principles, ploughing of wastelands and also development of the Far North territories. So, the authors recommend working out projects of rational land use including ecological aspects for all agricultural enterprises. Ecologization of agricultural policy takes place, for example, in Belgorod region where the regional government adopted some laws directed to introduction and support of green farming methods. Taking into consideration difficult landscape conditions, it is very positive changes. We think that use and protection schemes of land and water resources (instead of complex use and protection schemes of water objects) would be more suitable for consideration on municipal level. All other problems could be solved by intrafarm land use planning projects of agricultural enterprises. In conclusion, we have to emphasize the role of the government in advance of green farming, because the profit-seeking market economy is destructive for agriculture, especially for that based on ecological principles.

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26. Polozhenie o proekte adaptivno-landshaftnoj sistemy zemledeliya i oxrany pochv. Utv. postanovleniem Gubernatora Belgorodskoj oblasti ot 04.02.2014 g. № 9.

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