Rubrics: FINANSY
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article are considered theoretical and practical aspects of the analysis of the financial results of the organization, presents deterministic models of financial results used in factor analysis. The system of indicators of profitability are presented. Factors influencing resource and income absolute and relative indicators of the financial results are considered. Factor analysis of profit on sales and profitability of organizations are made using to the method of Du Pont Corporation. The method of using the model of the "financial web" in a substantiation of reserves of growth of financial results of organizations are presented.

financial result, economic analysis, indicators, profit, factors, economic profitability, return on equity, factor analysis, DuPont model, financial web
The article are considered theoretical and practical aspects of the analysis of the financial results of the organization, presents deterministic models of financial results used in factor analysis. The system of indicators of profitability are presented. Factors influencing resource and income absolute and relative indicators of the financial results are considered. Factor analysis of profit on sales and profitability of organizations are made using to the method of Du Pont Corporation. The method of using the model of the "financial web" in a substantiation of reserves of growth of financial results of organizations are presented.

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