Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses current issues of improving the competitiveness of Russian education in a globalizing world economy. The factors that determine the state of the export of educational services in various countries. Substantiates significant strategic potential of Russia in the sphere of export of higher education. The analysis of the impediments to the expansion of the export of Russian educational services in real time. Possible measures to strengthen Russia's position in the international market of educational services, both from the state and from the university.

the global economy, higher education and competitiveness of education, the international market of educational services, export of educational services, foreign students
The article discusses current issues of improving the competitiveness of Russian education in a globalizing world economy. The factors that determine the state of the export of educational services in various countries. Substantiates significant strategic potential of Russia in the sphere of export of higher education. The analysis of the impediments to the expansion of the export of Russian educational services in real time. Possible measures to strengthen Russia's position in the international market of educational services, both from the state and from the university.

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