Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with tax planning issues have a direct impact on the diagnosis of external and internal environment of the organization. This addresses issues and elements of strategic and current tax planning at the level of the organization. Designated given to tax planning issues related to the conduct of accounting policy, which is a way to document the tax planning. In the business environment, an important place is given to organizations that use the simplified taxation system.

tax planning, optimization of tax payments, tax planning methods, a simplified system of taxation
The article deals with tax planning issues have a direct impact on the diagnosis of external and internal environment of the organization. This addresses issues and elements of strategic and current tax planning at the level of the organization. Designated given to tax planning issues related to the conduct of accounting policy, which is a way to document the tax planning. In the business environment, an important place is given to organizations that use the simplified taxation system.

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