Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper proposes a method of estimating the development of enterprises from the perspective of its stability, based on the GRI reporting and accounting degree of stakeholder interest that allows you to create an information model of the company. Also offered practical advice on modeling sustainable development of enterprises on the basis of calculation of the indicator, integrating sustainability aspects such as finance, production, investment, organizational, marketing, environmental and social. The combination of the predicative and descriptive models will help, along with a quantitative assessment of the stability, to create an information base on the state of enterprise sustainability stakeholder positions.

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), sustainable development, descriptive and predicative models, stakeholder, generalized indicator of sustainability
The paper proposes a method of estimating the development of enterprises from the perspective of its stability, based on the GRI reporting and accounting degree of stakeholder interest that allows you to create an information model of the company. Also offered practical advice on modeling sustainable development of enterprises on the basis of calculation of the indicator, integrating sustainability aspects such as finance, production, investment, organizational, marketing, environmental and social. The combination of the predicative and descriptive models will help, along with a quantitative assessment of the stability, to create an information base on the state of enterprise sustainability stakeholder positions.

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