Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
With the development of production in Russia and similar countries, and the output of these countries in the international market there is a question about what is the optimal model of management of the production company. The program of lean manufacturing is to create a learning organization with stable, continuously improving processes. It is a consistent and gradual approach, where the leaders formed a culture of continuous improvement, taking into account the long-term prospects. It is not confined to the shop, it applies to design units and office units, enabling businesses to achieve operational excellence. Therefore, the introduction of the principles of lean manufacturing is becoming increasingly popular in the aviation industry enterprises.

aviation industry, lean manufacturing, production system, losses, efficiency
With the development of production in Russia and similar countries, and the output of these countries in the international market there is a question about what is the optimal model of management of the production company. The program of lean manufacturing is to create a learning organization with stable, continuously improving processes. It is a consistent and gradual approach, where the leaders formed a culture of continuous improvement, taking into account the long-term prospects. It is not confined to the shop, it applies to design units and office units, enabling businesses to achieve operational excellence. Therefore, the introduction of the principles of lean manufacturing is becoming increasingly popular in the aviation industry enterprises.

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