Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the ways to purchase promotional products and also services, allowing to purchase promotional items online. The possibilities and limitations of these services are shown. The analysis of existing online order services of advertising products is carried out and a number of problems, connected with the design of online order system of advertising products is examined. It is consider the author’s way of solving the discussed problems. After that, the author’s implementation of the system and its capabilities are examined, as well as the process of user interaction with the system. In conclusion, the article discusses the main perspectives of the development of the proposed system.

market, advertising, promotional products, trading platform, web-based service
The article discusses the ways to purchase promotional products and also services, allowing to purchase promotional items online. The possibilities and limitations of these services are shown. The analysis of existing online order services of advertising products is carried out and a number of problems, connected with the design of online order system of advertising products is examined. It is consider the author’s way of solving the discussed problems. After that, the author’s implementation of the system and its capabilities are examined, as well as the process of user interaction with the system. In conclusion, the article discusses the main perspectives of the development of the proposed system.

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