Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article clarifies the nature of costs as an economic category, explores the process of disintegration of costs for different types and their evaluation. With the use of official statistics the total and marginal costs, marginal net income and limit losses are determined in the agricultural sector of the Komi Republic. Evaluation of productivity costs of economic resource unit and marginal effect using differential calculus is made at agricultural enterprises of the regional agro-industrial complex.

total and marginal costs, gross income, marginal net income, marginal loss, factor of marginal productivity of costs
The article clarifies the nature of costs as an economic category, explores the process of disintegration of costs for different types and their evaluation. With the use of official statistics the total and marginal costs, marginal net income and limit losses are determined in the agricultural sector of the Komi Republic. Evaluation of productivity costs of economic resource unit and marginal effect using differential calculus is made at agricultural enterprises of the regional agro-industrial complex.

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