Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At present, the country’s financial system is undergoing major changes. One of the main indicators characterizing the financial system is the number of operating banks. With it decreases every year. The main reasons for revocation of the license include: the failure of legislation, questionable transactions, not the creation of reserves, the low-quality assets, liquidity and loss of others. An important participant in the process of liquidation of the credit institution is the Deposit Insurance Agency. Predicting the number of credit institutions was conducted in two models - linear and polynomial. Both models have a higher accuracy of approximation. The forecast: by 2017 the number of credit institutions amount to 500-600.

the number of banks, bank license, banking, the economic crisis, forecast
At present, the country’s financial system is undergoing major changes. One of the main indicators characterizing the financial system is the number of operating banks. With it decreases every year. The main reasons for revocation of the license include: the failure of legislation, questionable transactions, not the creation of reserves, the low-quality assets, liquidity and loss of others. An important participant in the process of liquidation of the credit institution is the Deposit Insurance Agency. Predicting the number of credit institutions was conducted in two models - linear and polynomial. Both models have a higher accuracy of approximation. The forecast: by 2017 the number of credit institutions amount to 500-600.

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