Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article runs about developing of theoretical and methodological bases of a sustainable development in power industry. The basic principles of an assessment of the sustainable development in power industry are formulated. The multilevel vertically integrated hierarchical system of objects of the sustainable development in power industry based on two criteria - regional and branch is offered. It is developed the set of definitions including the following categories «sustainable power development», «sustainable development of branch of power industry (power industry in general)», «sustainable development of the enterprise of power industry». The system of the indexes characterizing the sustainable development in power industry at all levels of the vertically integrated hierarchical system which consists of an index of sustainable power development, an index of sustainable development of branch of power industry (power industry in general), an index of sustainable development of the enterprise of power industry is offered.

power, concept of the sustainable development, index of sustainable power development, index of sustainable development of branch of power industry, index of sustainable development of the enterprise of power industry
The article runs about developing of theoretical and methodological bases of a sustainable development in power industry. The basic principles of an assessment of the sustainable development in power industry are formulated. The multilevel vertically integrated hierarchical system of objects of the sustainable development in power industry based on two criteria - regional and branch is offered. It is developed the set of definitions including the following categories «sustainable power development», «sustainable development of branch of power industry (power industry in general)», «sustainable development of the enterprise of power industry». The system of the indexes characterizing the sustainable development in power industry at all levels of the vertically integrated hierarchical system which consists of an index of sustainable power development, an index of sustainable development of branch of power industry (power industry in general), an index of sustainable development of the enterprise of power industry is offered.

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