Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses the peculiarities of taxation of agriculture, as part of Government support. The authors presented the tax system: General and special regime applied by farmers. Studied the advantages and disadvantages of single agricultural tax. It is shown that the optimization of taxation contributes to raising the interest of farmers in expanding production and improving its effectiveness, as well as replenishment of working capital by reducing the tax burden and the direction of their production and improve product quality.

dedicaded mode of taxation, simplified system of taxation, united agricultural tax, agroindustrial complex
This article discusses the peculiarities of taxation of agriculture, as part of Government support. The authors presented the tax system: General and special regime applied by farmers. Studied the advantages and disadvantages of single agricultural tax. It is shown that the optimization of taxation contributes to raising the interest of farmers in expanding production and improving its effectiveness, as well as replenishment of working capital by reducing the tax burden and the direction of their production and improve product quality.

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