Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The third five-year plan was the last period of peace. By 1941 the traffic level far exceeded indices of 1913. But the war interrupted the process of river transport development. River craft employees had to change the existing activity management by that in war-time conditions. The present article deals with what kind of country and Volga river craft was just before the start of the war.

economic advance, river cargo traffic, activity management, qualitative indicators, ship repair
The third five-year plan was the last period of peace. By 1941 the traffic level far exceeded indices of 1913. But the war interrupted the process of river transport development. River craft employees had to change the existing activity management by that in war-time conditions. The present article deals with what kind of country and Volga river craft was just before the start of the war.

1. Vodnyy transport k 7 s'ezdu Sovetov SSSR. M, 1935.

2. Vodnyy transport SSSR (1928-1934 gg.), M, 1936.

3. Vodnyy transport, 1927 g., № 11.

4. Vodnyy transport, 1938 g., № 1.

5. Vodnyy transport, 1939 g., № 3.

6. Vodnyy transport, 1940 g., № 3.

7. Vodnyy transport, 1940 g., № 6.

8. Voprosy razvitiya transporta i svyazi v SSSR, Stenogrammy lekciy, prochitannyh v Vysshey partiynoy shkole M, 1948.

9. GANO (Gosudarstvennyy arhiv Nizhegorodskoy oblasti)

10. Godovoy otchet Verhne-Volzhskogo parohodstva za 1940 g.

11. Godovoy otchet Volgotankera za 1940 g.

12. Godovoy otchet Nizhne-Volzhskogo parohodstva za 1939 g.

13. Godovoy otchet Nizhne-Volzhskogo parohodstva za 1940 g.

14. Godovoy otchet Sredne-Volzhskogo parohodstva za 1939 g.

15. Godovye otchety VGRP za 1923-1928 gg.

16. Direktivy KPSS i Sovetskogo Pravitel'stva po hozyaystvennym voprosam, M, 1957.

17. Dostizheniya Sovetskoy vlasti za 40 let v cifrah. Statisticheskiy sbornik. M, 1957.

18. Insarov A.S., Rechnoy transport SSSR, M, 1936.

19. Materialy po statistike putey soobscheniya, vyp. 24, 1924.

20. Materialy po statistike putey soobscheniya, vyp. 44, 1925.

21. Materialy po statistike putey soobscheniya, vyp. 83, ch. II, 1928.

22. Materialy po statistike putey soobscheniya, vyp. 102, ch. II, 1929.

23. Materialy po statistike putey soobscheniya, vyp. 112, ch. II, 1930.

24. Materialy po statistike rechnogo transporta, 1939-1940 gg., vyp. 58, 1947 g.

25. Materialy po statistike rechnogo transporta, vyp. 13, 1945 g.

26. Materialy po statistike rechnogo transporta, vyp. 58.

27. Materialy po statistike rechnogo transporta, vyp. 56.

28. Mihaylov I.D. Evolyuciya russkogo transporta (1913-1925 gg.), M, 1925.

29. Neftyanaya promyshlennost' SSSR, M, 1958 g.

30. Perevozka gruzov v 1940 g., MRF, 1941.

31. Rechnoy transport v 1929-1932 gg. M, 1934.

32. Rechnoy transport v 1934 g. M, 1935.

33. Rechnoy transport v 1938 g., 1939.

34. Rechnoy transport za 50 let Sovetskoy vlasti. M., 1967.

35. Rechnoy transport SSSR. 1917-1957. M, 1958.

36. Socialisticheskoe narodnoe hozyaystvo SSSR v 1933-1940 gg. M, 1963.

37. Statisticheskiy sbornik MPS, vyp. 139, 1916 g.

38. Transport i svyaz' SSSR. M., 1957.

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