Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the causes and consequences of the adoption of the Federal law establishing the specifics of granting land to citizens on the territory of the far Eastern Federal district. The analysis of recent legislative developments and the role of state structures in the implementation of this law. Examples of a was carried out land reform and resettlement policy in the early twentieth century the Prime Minister P.A. Stolypin. Formulated a number of proposals for more efficient implementation of this legislative initiative.

land management, resettlement policy, stolypins reforms, the far East, the development of the territories
The article discusses the causes and consequences of the adoption of the Federal law establishing the specifics of granting land to citizens on the territory of the far Eastern Federal district. The analysis of recent legislative developments and the role of state structures in the implementation of this law. Examples of a was carried out land reform and resettlement policy in the early twentieth century the Prime Minister P.A. Stolypin. Formulated a number of proposals for more efficient implementation of this legislative initiative.

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