Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
On the basis of legislation Chechen Republic, as one of the regions of the Russian Federation, carries out the construction of social housing, which is provided under contracts of social hiring of certain categories of citizens. It is the residents of the Chechen Republic identified as needing improvement of living conditions of the family, based on the criteria footprint, as well as for health reasons. In addition, in the Chechen Republic continues to implement a number of regional programs in which demolished outdated (5-storey residential buildings) and decrepit (emergency) residential buildings. In these cases, also in exchange of apartments in the demolished houses are provided to families free apartments in new housing stock.

the specifics of the design, economic housing projects, innovation, energy efficiency category
On the basis of legislation Chechen Republic, as one of the regions of the Russian Federation, carries out the construction of social housing, which is provided under contracts of social hiring of certain categories of citizens. It is the residents of the Chechen Republic identified as needing improvement of living conditions of the family, based on the criteria footprint, as well as for health reasons. In addition, in the Chechen Republic continues to implement a number of regional programs in which demolished outdated (5-storey residential buildings) and decrepit (emergency) residential buildings. In these cases, also in exchange of apartments in the demolished houses are provided to families free apartments in new housing stock.

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