Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article the current state of pension system and the mechanism of the pension rights formation is considered. Authors have presented system of formation and use of pension resources. Positive results and shortcomings of provision pensions system modernization and insurance are studied. The main methods of further development of the formation mechanism and effective use of financial resources are offered. It is revealed that the offered complex of actions will provide considerable strengthening of the pension insurance Russian system and providing.

pension system, pension savings, pension plans, pension loading, replacement coefficient
In article the current state of pension system and the mechanism of the pension rights formation is considered. Authors have presented system of formation and use of pension resources. Positive results and shortcomings of provision pensions system modernization and insurance are studied. The main methods of further development of the formation mechanism and effective use of financial resources are offered. It is revealed that the offered complex of actions will provide considerable strengthening of the pension insurance Russian system and providing.

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