Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the classification of Bank resources by funding source, it is noted that the bulk of the banking resources formed at the expense of attracted and borrowed sources. Based on the analysis of the structure of funds attracted by operating credit institutions according to the Bank of Russia determined that the structure of funds attracted by banks the largest proportion of the deposits of individuals and legal entities. However, the deposits are a source of short-term resources banks, and the lack of long-term resources limits the Bank's long-term credit investments. The principal causes for the lack of long-term resources in the banking sector of Russia.

commercial banks, bank resources, attracted resources, deposit operations, long-term resources
The article presents the classification of Bank resources by funding source, it is noted that the bulk of the banking resources formed at the expense of attracted and borrowed sources. Based on the analysis of the structure of funds attracted by operating credit institutions according to the Bank of Russia determined that the structure of funds attracted by banks the largest proportion of the deposits of individuals and legal entities. However, the deposits are a source of short-term resources banks, and the lack of long-term resources limits the Bank's long-term credit investments. The principal causes for the lack of long-term resources in the banking sector of Russia.

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