Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Effective management of finance of economic entities promotes not only to stability and development of subjects, but also provides increase in the income of the state and certain territories that, in turn, promotes development of infrastructure of territorial formations of the Russian Federation. Development of any subject of economic activity assumes development of the directions and implementation of the choice of strategy on the basis of the formulated criteria. Small business as the subject of economic activity, represents the most flexible and adaptive element of the market environment which in the sphere of granting and rendering services occupies one of the major places among all other participants of the market relations that causes relevance of detailed consideration of this subject. In article features of influence of a services sector on economic developments of the region are considered, the volume and structure of paid services to the population, financial performance of activity of small enterprises of the region, and also the corresponding conclusions on the conducted research are drawn.

analysis, small enterprises, small business, industry of hospitality, services sector, subjects of economy, efficiency
Effective management of finance of economic entities promotes not only to stability and development of subjects, but also provides increase in the income of the state and certain territories that, in turn, promotes development of infrastructure of territorial formations of the Russian Federation. Development of any subject of economic activity assumes development of the directions and implementation of the choice of strategy on the basis of the formulated criteria. Small business as the subject of economic activity, represents the most flexible and adaptive element of the market environment which in the sphere of granting and rendering services occupies one of the major places among all other participants of the market relations that causes relevance of detailed consideration of this subject. In article features of influence of a services sector on economic developments of the region are considered, the volume and structure of paid services to the population, financial performance of activity of small enterprises of the region, and also the corresponding conclusions on the conducted research are drawn.

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