Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
For economy of Russia a problem of food security, still, one of the major both in political and in social and economic life of the country as she assumes such state of the economy and agrarian and industrial complex at which irrespective of influence of various internal and external factors needs of the population for the food according to norms of consumption are in full satisfied, therefore, the level and quality of food in many respects define life expectancy of the population and health of the nation. At this conjuncture special relevance is acquired by development of a package of measures, the needs for potatoes and products of his processing directed to satisfaction, ensuring the balanced and proportional development of stages of his seed farming, the organization of production, processing, storage, distribution, and also stable and dynamic development of the organizations of agro-industrial. Importance of the competent organization of the above-stated actions in the conditions of economic sanctions causes the importance and relevance of this subject. The purpose of article is definitions of a condition of a potato complex and its influence on an economic condition of the region. For achievement of a goal several tasks, such as have been consistently solved: the condition of a potato complex is considered, the need of the population for food potatoes, based on calculations of the Ministry of Health is defined, the share of food potatoes in total production is defined, security with food potatoes counting on 1 inhabitant according to norms of consumption is defined, the importance of development of the potato enterprises, the organizations of domestic seed farming in modern market conditions, development and improvement of technologies of storage of production of potato growing, and also a possibility of his realization is defined. By the received results the corresponding conclusions are drawn.

import substitution, potatoes, potato sector, processing of potatoes, food security, food self-reliance, seed farming, agriculture, fractions of potatoes, economic development
For economy of Russia a problem of food security, still, one of the major both in political and in social and economic life of the country as she assumes such state of the economy and agrarian and industrial complex at which irrespective of influence of various internal and external factors needs of the population for the food according to norms of consumption are in full satisfied, therefore, the level and quality of food in many respects define life expectancy of the population and health of the nation. At this conjuncture special relevance is acquired by development of a package of measures, the needs for potatoes and products of his processing directed to satisfaction, ensuring the balanced and proportional development of stages of his seed farming, the organization of production, processing, storage, distribution, and also stable and dynamic development of the organizations of agro-industrial. Importance of the competent organization of the above-stated actions in the conditions of economic sanctions causes the importance and relevance of this subject. The purpose of article is definitions of a condition of a potato complex and its influence on an economic condition of the region. For achievement of a goal several tasks, such as have been consistently solved: the condition of a potato complex is considered, the need of the population for food potatoes, based on calculations of the Ministry of Health is defined, the share of food potatoes in total production is defined, security with food potatoes counting on 1 inhabitant according to norms of consumption is defined, the importance of development of the potato enterprises, the organizations of domestic seed farming in modern market conditions, development and improvement of technologies of storage of production of potato growing, and also a possibility of his realization is defined. By the received results the corresponding conclusions are drawn.

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