Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the ecological approach to the use of land and other natural resources, which implies a close relationship, interdependence and interaction of some natural components and phenomena to the functioning of society in the formation and development environment of the person. Considered data analysis state land the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, which shows a downward trend in the fertility of agricultural land, which is the result of continuing consumer attitude towards the use of land resources, when the priority is given to short-term economic benefit to the detriment of sustainable and rational land use.

land resources, natural resources, land protection, ecological approach, economic activity, environmental performance, anthropogenic load, ecological situation
The article analyzes the ecological approach to the use of land and other natural resources, which implies a close relationship, interdependence and interaction of some natural components and phenomena to the functioning of society in the formation and development environment of the person. Considered data analysis state land the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, which shows a downward trend in the fertility of agricultural land, which is the result of continuing consumer attitude towards the use of land resources, when the priority is given to short-term economic benefit to the detriment of sustainable and rational land use.

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