Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article examines the key aspects of building a system of independent assessment of qualifications. It is proposed to make it by efforts of representatives of employers and workers both with the assistance of the state by creating a national system of certification and qualification, which will solve the problem: 1. Public accreditation of educational programs that will ensure the transfer of information directly from employers into the education system to current needs of economy sectors. 2. Assessment and certification of qualifications of the candidate, who may be a graduate of an educational institution or an employee of a company. Professional qualifications are determined in the professional standards which contain several qualification levels. The article considers the key areas and the distribution of power and responsibilities between them.

assessment system, system of assessment, competency, professional standards, qualification, professional qualification
This article examines the key aspects of building a system of independent assessment of qualifications. It is proposed to make it by efforts of representatives of employers and workers both with the assistance of the state by creating a national system of certification and qualification, which will solve the problem: 1. Public accreditation of educational programs that will ensure the transfer of information directly from employers into the education system to current needs of economy sectors. 2. Assessment and certification of qualifications of the candidate, who may be a graduate of an educational institution or an employee of a company. Professional qualifications are determined in the professional standards which contain several qualification levels. The article considers the key areas and the distribution of power and responsibilities between them.

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