Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In modern conditions of development of innovative banks in the first place associated with the transformation of banking sales channels, the transition from the traditional customer service through affiliates / branches to alternative, based on extensive use of remote banking technology, i.e. remote banking, which is considered the most common innovation and becomes the primary function of banks. At present, no bank can not consider themselves competitive in the absence of effective systems of electronic banking. In Western Europe, according to experts, by 2020 g. clientele RBS will be 60% of the total, according to our estimates in the Russian Federation according to the optimistic forecast - 15-20%. At the same time, giving banks broad operational capabilities of the remote banking leads to increased risks in banking.

remote banking services, risk management, structure, system
In modern conditions of development of innovative banks in the first place associated with the transformation of banking sales channels, the transition from the traditional customer service through affiliates / branches to alternative, based on extensive use of remote banking technology, i.e. remote banking, which is considered the most common innovation and becomes the primary function of banks. At present, no bank can not consider themselves competitive in the absence of effective systems of electronic banking. In Western Europe, according to experts, by 2020 g. clientele RBS will be 60% of the total, according to our estimates in the Russian Federation according to the optimistic forecast - 15-20%. At the same time, giving banks broad operational capabilities of the remote banking leads to increased risks in banking.

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