Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
On the agricultural lands of Russia are fixed negative processes and zones, those impeding agriculture up to the fragmentation pour on. Frequently similar zones are not mapped onto any cartographic and other materials. The reasons for the appearance of such zones and separate objects can be the manifestation both of natural and anthropogenic processes. For the fixation and further analysis of the parameters of such objects it is proposed to create the new type of the subject maps - of the map of land cover (LC). By LC it is proposed to understand the earths surface with the indication of the type of land tenure. For one of the regions of Rostovskaya province the maps LC are created in the period from 2015 to 1968. with the temporary step in 10 years. Maps are created with interpretation data of the remote sensing of synchronous to the constructed maps. On five maps LC are created the maps of the dynamics of properties LC. Technology itself is based on the methodology of retrospective monitoring.

monitoring, retrospective monitoring, data of remote sensing, land cover
On the agricultural lands of Russia are fixed negative processes and zones, those impeding agriculture up to the fragmentation pour on. Frequently similar zones are not mapped onto any cartographic and other materials. The reasons for the appearance of such zones and separate objects can be the manifestation both of natural and anthropogenic processes. For the fixation and further analysis of the parameters of such objects it is proposed to create the new type of the subject maps - of the map of land cover (LC). By LC it is proposed to understand the earths surface with the indication of the type of land tenure. For one of the regions of Rostovskaya province the maps LC are created in the period from 2015 to 1968. with the temporary step in 10 years. Maps are created with interpretation data of the remote sensing of synchronous to the constructed maps. On five maps LC are created the maps of the dynamics of properties LC. Technology itself is based on the methodology of retrospective monitoring.

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