Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is about actual issues of defining the nature of investments and innovative technologies. Special attention is paid to the possibilities of enhancing innovation and receptivity to investing in the development of technologies that have become key priorities for the development of the national economy in conditions of globalization. In details are considered issues of stimulation of innovation processes as one of the main and primary conditions for stable development of the national economy. After determining the importance of investing in innovation as a tool for economic development, it is noted that in these conditions, particularly important regulatory development investment in innovation as an important factor in the production of high quality products and improve competitiveness of domestic goods and services.

alternative, analysis, correlation, investments, innovation, complexity, mechanism, variety, reliability, direction, stimulation, efficiency
The article is about actual issues of defining the nature of investments and innovative technologies. Special attention is paid to the possibilities of enhancing innovation and receptivity to investing in the development of technologies that have become key priorities for the development of the national economy in conditions of globalization. In details are considered issues of stimulation of innovation processes as one of the main and primary conditions for stable development of the national economy. After determining the importance of investing in innovation as a tool for economic development, it is noted that in these conditions, particularly important regulatory development investment in innovation as an important factor in the production of high quality products and improve competitiveness of domestic goods and services.

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