Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Relevance and purpose. In terms of import substitution to ensure food security of the country is directly dependent on the sustainable development of its agriculture. Therefore, the study of socio-economic, organizational and technological solutions in the agricultural sector at the regional level is relevant and practically significant. Materials and methods. The implementation of the goals and objectives achieved through the research data of the Ministry of agriculture and food of the Republic of Mordovia and the Territorial body of Federal state statistics service in the Republic of Mordovia was carried out using dialectical, economic-statistical, abstract-logical, and other methods. Results. The analysis of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Mordovia revealed positive trends in its development and the existing problems. In line with this, we investigated the direction of promoting the stabilization of the situation in the regional agricultural sector. Conclusions. The results of the study allowed to identify the priorities of sustainable development of regional agriculture based on the creation of favorable conditions for increasing its attractiveness, translated it to an innovative path of development, in terms of import substitution will allow to achieve the sustainable development of agriculture at the level of individual region and the country as a whole.

agriculture, substitution, sustainable development, state regulation, investment activity, innovation
Relevance and purpose. In terms of import substitution to ensure food security of the country is directly dependent on the sustainable development of its agriculture. Therefore, the study of socio-economic, organizational and technological solutions in the agricultural sector at the regional level is relevant and practically significant. Materials and methods. The implementation of the goals and objectives achieved through the research data of the Ministry of agriculture and food of the Republic of Mordovia and the Territorial body of Federal state statistics service in the Republic of Mordovia was carried out using dialectical, economic-statistical, abstract-logical, and other methods. Results. The analysis of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Mordovia revealed positive trends in its development and the existing problems. In line with this, we investigated the direction of promoting the stabilization of the situation in the regional agricultural sector. Conclusions. The results of the study allowed to identify the priorities of sustainable development of regional agriculture based on the creation of favorable conditions for increasing its attractiveness, translated it to an innovative path of development, in terms of import substitution will allow to achieve the sustainable development of agriculture at the level of individual region and the country as a whole.

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2. Territorial'nyy organ Federal'noy sluzhby gosudarstvennoy statistiki po Respublike Mordoviya [Elektronnyy resurs]. Oficial'nyy sayt. Rezhim dostupa:

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