Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
It raises issues of global depletion of traditional energy resources, statistically proven reduction of their reserves, production growth, consumption. The analysis of the level of resource strategic kinds of raw materials in the context of the country for the 2000-2014 biennium. To evaluate the intensity of resource use, a system of indicators on which the estimation of strategic raw materials of the countries. The necessity of parallel implementation of alternative energy policy based on renewable sources, the mechanism of its implementation.

alternative energy, renewable energy, resource management, rational use of energy vector
It raises issues of global depletion of traditional energy resources, statistically proven reduction of their reserves, production growth, consumption. The analysis of the level of resource strategic kinds of raw materials in the context of the country for the 2000-2014 biennium. To evaluate the intensity of resource use, a system of indicators on which the estimation of strategic raw materials of the countries. The necessity of parallel implementation of alternative energy policy based on renewable sources, the mechanism of its implementation.

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