Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article shall be carried out to identify trends in the development of one of the indicative of indicators of sustainable development of rural areas on the example of the Penza region. In addition, emphasis is placed on the use of other than that indicated in the programme indicators, but closely correlated with them. Data processing was performed using econometric product Gretl. In carrying out the main stages of construction are taken into account forecasting prediction. The article shows that in addition to the input square meters of housing, the key indicator is the formation of the interest of the population to live and work in rural areas. To a certain extent to realize «dream» many «future farmers» helps state support. Complex measures might lead not only to the sustainable development of rural territories, but also to their conservation.

rural territory development trend, Gretl, peasant farming, sustainable development
This article shall be carried out to identify trends in the development of one of the indicative of indicators of sustainable development of rural areas on the example of the Penza region. In addition, emphasis is placed on the use of other than that indicated in the programme indicators, but closely correlated with them. Data processing was performed using econometric product Gretl. In carrying out the main stages of construction are taken into account forecasting prediction. The article shows that in addition to the input square meters of housing, the key indicator is the formation of the interest of the population to live and work in rural areas. To a certain extent to realize «dream» many «future farmers» helps state support. Complex measures might lead not only to the sustainable development of rural territories, but also to their conservation.

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