Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the experience of solving the problem of the calculation of standardized budget items of income and expenses in the automated systems of budgetary management (ASBM) for large enterprises, which are characterized by the presence in their structure of units that differ by type of activity. Under these conditions for every unit may be relevant the different composition of standard indicators or parameters calculation formulas. Proposes a method and an example of the construction of adaptive software, in which the content of the formulas used in the calculation of standardized budget items can be dynamically changed in the program based on their settings, which are made by ASBM staff.

system of the budgetary management, standard indicators, the normalized budget items, editor of standard dependences, adaptive software
The article presents the experience of solving the problem of the calculation of standardized budget items of income and expenses in the automated systems of budgetary management (ASBM) for large enterprises, which are characterized by the presence in their structure of units that differ by type of activity. Under these conditions for every unit may be relevant the different composition of standard indicators or parameters calculation formulas. Proposes a method and an example of the construction of adaptive software, in which the content of the formulas used in the calculation of standardized budget items can be dynamically changed in the program based on their settings, which are made by ASBM staff.

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