Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article problems of progress of hypothecary crediting of habitation in the Russian Federation are considered. Authors analyse the factors influencing the market of one most dynamically developing segments of bank business in recent years. To the cores from them are carried: high interest rates, a low level of incomes of the population, the state support of the certain categories of the population at purchase of habitation and some other. The conclusion about weak progress of the given financial services is done, the certain recommendations on their escalating are given.

the housing policy, hypothecary crediting, the state subsidizing, hypothecary programs
In article problems of progress of hypothecary crediting of habitation in the Russian Federation are considered. Authors analyse the factors influencing the market of one most dynamically developing segments of bank business in recent years. To the cores from them are carried: high interest rates, a low level of incomes of the population, the state support of the certain categories of the population at purchase of habitation and some other. The conclusion about weak progress of the given financial services is done, the certain recommendations on their escalating are given.

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14. Federal'naya sluzhba statistiki [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.gks.ru/.

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16. Central'nyy Bank Rossiyskoy Federacii [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.cbr.ru/.

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