Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Currently there are following widely adopted space industry crisis management practices: new line of business development; new product introduction; intense human resources management; risk management task teams creation. Was brought to light a subject of the current concern HR actions for growth, stability and fallback crisis management strategies. Was justified the need of candidates pool while using the growth strategy as part of the crisis management. Was analyzed the candidates pool activity progress at modern Russian entities of the Roskosmos State corporation: RKK «Energiya» named after S. Korolyov and «Krasmash».

crisis management, Human Resource crisis management, management measures, candidates pool creation, development strategy, stability strategy, fallback strategy, space industry corporations
Currently there are following widely adopted space industry crisis management practices: new line of business development; new product introduction; intense human resources management; risk management task teams creation. Was brought to light a subject of the current concern HR actions for growth, stability and fallback crisis management strategies. Was justified the need of candidates pool while using the growth strategy as part of the crisis management. Was analyzed the candidates pool activity progress at modern Russian entities of the Roskosmos State corporation: RKK «Energiya» named after S. Korolyov and «Krasmash».

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