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Abstract (English):
There are two basic ways to provide the overhaul of military helicopters: the establishment of centers in the country the exporter and the establishment of centers at the customer area. The number of major repairs, and hence the profitability of the centers depends on the TBO (time between overhaul) and overhaul operation time. In this study, the analysis of the costs of the establishment and maintenance center for the capital repair at the customer area was carried out. The technique that allows you to calculate the overhaul cost of military helicopters in the exporting country was developed. Further, calculating the break-even point for economic profits was conducted to develop methodological recommendations to find the minimum number of helicopters to ensure loss-free existence of overhaul centers at the customer area.

overhaul, military products, economic expediency, assigned lifetime, assigned operating time, the costs of center's establishing, maintenance costs for center
There are two basic ways to provide the overhaul of military helicopters: the establishment of centers in the country the exporter and the establishment of centers at the customer area. The number of major repairs, and hence the profitability of the centers depends on the TBO (time between overhaul) and overhaul operation time. In this study, the analysis of the costs of the establishment and maintenance center for the capital repair at the customer area was carried out. The technique that allows you to calculate the overhaul cost of military helicopters in the exporting country was developed. Further, calculating the break-even point for economic profits was conducted to develop methodological recommendations to find the minimum number of helicopters to ensure loss-free existence of overhaul centers at the customer area.

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