Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article the author analyzes the data of the GBOU Lyceum № 507 official site, which concern the pedagogical staff. The author keens attention on misuse of Lyceum’s principle to form the staff of this educational institution. Analyzing data of the official information, the author makes an argument conclusion that in the Lyceum № 507 there are superfluous number of chief-educators. Since everywhere preschool children are the same, therefor there are no objective reasons to put some preschool educational institutions in the privilege position. And the author puts attention on uncorrected information about positions of the employees. On this ground the author assumes that in that way some corruption infringement of law may be hidden.

educator, chief-educator, methodist, corruption, preschool educational institution, staffing
In this article the author analyzes the data of the GBOU Lyceum № 507 official site, which concern the pedagogical staff. The author keens attention on misuse of Lyceum’s principle to form the staff of this educational institution. Analyzing data of the official information, the author makes an argument conclusion that in the Lyceum № 507 there are superfluous number of chief-educators. Since everywhere preschool children are the same, therefor there are no objective reasons to put some preschool educational institutions in the privilege position. And the author puts attention on uncorrected information about positions of the employees. On this ground the author assumes that in that way some corruption infringement of law may be hidden.

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