Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article the author draws attention to the excessive number of speech therapists in the segment of preschool education of the observed territorial educational complex. On the example of the Lyceum number 507 the author shows how law can be violated if the therapist works in a preschool in his office for a full-time salary. The author offers a solution how, under the existing law, a speech therapist may prepare children for school.

speech therapist, preschool educational institute, staffing
In this article the author draws attention to the excessive number of speech therapists in the segment of preschool education of the observed territorial educational complex. On the example of the Lyceum number 507 the author shows how law can be violated if the therapist works in a preschool in his office for a full-time salary. The author offers a solution how, under the existing law, a speech therapist may prepare children for school.

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