Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article the author analyzes the duties for junior educator’s qualifications and professional standards for the position, job descriptions of junior educators in different preschool educational institutions. This analysis identifies gaps in the legal regulation of the work of junior educators and identify preschool educational institution, where job descriptions for junior educators have duties which are unusual for the position, or unusual for their responsibility. According to the author, it is necessary to exclude from the office of teaching the staff position of «assistant educator». Since in preschool educational institutions junior educators or assistant educators operate but their duties are practically identical. According to the Order of the Health Ministry of Russia from 05.05.2008 number 216n, an assistant educator and a junior educator are assigned to the group of professional qualification of worker’s jobs and supporting staff. However, the position of educator assistant is included in the professional qualification group of teacher’s support staff of the first level, and a junior educator - of the second one. This fact is the basis for the establishment of different levels of remuneration. The only difference is that the responsibilities of junior educator include participation in activities organized by the educator. Assistant educator’s work is not counted this function. According to the author, it is necessary to exclude from the range of teacher’s support staff positions an «assistant educator». Since in the groups of preschool educational institutions only junior educators or only assistant educators operate.

educator, junior educator, educator assistant, preschool educational institution, staffing
In this article the author analyzes the duties for junior educator’s qualifications and professional standards for the position, job descriptions of junior educators in different preschool educational institutions. This analysis identifies gaps in the legal regulation of the work of junior educators and identify preschool educational institution, where job descriptions for junior educators have duties which are unusual for the position, or unusual for their responsibility. According to the author, it is necessary to exclude from the office of teaching the staff position of «assistant educator». Since in preschool educational institutions junior educators or assistant educators operate but their duties are practically identical. According to the Order of the Health Ministry of Russia from 05.05.2008 number 216n, an assistant educator and a junior educator are assigned to the group of professional qualification of worker’s jobs and supporting staff. However, the position of educator assistant is included in the professional qualification group of teacher’s support staff of the first level, and a junior educator - of the second one. This fact is the basis for the establishment of different levels of remuneration. The only difference is that the responsibilities of junior educator include participation in activities organized by the educator. Assistant educator’s work is not counted this function. According to the author, it is necessary to exclude from the range of teacher’s support staff positions an «assistant educator». Since in the groups of preschool educational institutions only junior educators or only assistant educators operate.

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