Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents and discusses the concept of the interdisciplinary project on social and psychological stimulation of entrepreneurial activity of the Russian region (the project «the Stolypin reform: version 2.0») the use of new communicative technologies for the organization of intellectual and practical interactions of the stakeholders of the regional economy obtained during the VII scientific-practical conference «Organizational psychology: people and risks» (19-20 October 2016, Saratov). An overview of the results of socio-psychological research of the image of the Saratov region, the Saratov enterprise image, values and ethical aspects of business activities in the region, analysis of leadership P.A. Stolypin obtained by the students of the faculty of psychology of SSU named N.G. Chernyshevskogo.

Stolypin, reform, leadership, time, facilitational communicative technology, image, entrepreneurship, ethic and value, Saratov region
The article presents and discusses the concept of the interdisciplinary project on social and psychological stimulation of entrepreneurial activity of the Russian region (the project «the Stolypin reform: version 2.0») the use of new communicative technologies for the organization of intellectual and practical interactions of the stakeholders of the regional economy obtained during the VII scientific-practical conference «Organizational psychology: people and risks» (19-20 October 2016, Saratov). An overview of the results of socio-psychological research of the image of the Saratov region, the Saratov enterprise image, values and ethical aspects of business activities in the region, analysis of leadership P.A. Stolypin obtained by the students of the faculty of psychology of SSU named N.G. Chernyshevskogo.

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2. Zhdanova A.A., Zhizhina M.V., Lashova E.A., Muhambetova Zh., Zaychenko E.S. Obraz saratovskogo predprinimatelya v predstavlenii gorozhan / Rukopis' stat'i / Otchet po rezul'tatam issledovaniya. Saratov, 2016. 5 s.

3. Ponukalin A. Al., Askerova M., Kiskin K., Rafikova V., Troshkina A., Churaeva G., Shostak K. Petr Arkad'evich Stolypin: reformator i (ili) inovator? (social'no-psihologicheskiy analiz) / Rukopis' stat'i / Otchet po rezul'tatam issledovaniya. Saratov, 2016. 8 s.

4. Kravcova A.K., Krikun S., Ul'yanina A., Vedernikova E., Makarov D., Strel'chuk Yu., Stroganova O., Budanova A., Kondrat'eva M., Botvinenko E., Materikina T., Fat'kina I., Artem'eva V., Moseykina D., Zorina A., Babaeva N. Lichnost', gruppa, sreda: Proshloe, nastoyaschee, buduschee / Rukopis' stat'i / Otchet po rezul'tatam issledovaniya. Saratov, 2016. 8 s.

5. Prudnikova A., Pivovarov A., Malinskaya E., Golovina G., Cacinskaya S. Analiz cennostnyh aspektov predprinimatel'skoy deyatel'nosti v Saratovskom regione / Rukopis' stat'i / Otchet po rezul'tatam issledovaniya. Saratov, 2016. 5 s.

6. Ivanova Yu.V., Russkih A.A. Sistema cennostnyh orientaciy rossiyskih predprinimateley (na primere Saratova i Saratovskoy oblasti) / Rukopis' stat'i / Otchet po rezul'tatam issledovaniya. Saratov, 2016. 4 s.

7. Nesterova K.S., Romanenko N.G., Anan'ev D.S., Dzhulaeva A.B., Poprygina A.S. Moral'noe soznanie kak aspekt etiko-determinirovannogo povedeniya sovremennyh predprinimateley Saratovskoy oblasti / Rukopis' stat'i / Otchet po rezul'tatam issledovaniya. Saratov, 2016. 9 s.

8. Kuznecova E. A., Efremova A.I. Predstavleniya predprinimateley Saratovskoy oblasti o svoem imidzhe / Rukopis' stat'i / Otchet po rezul'tatam issledovaniya. Saratov, 2016. 8 s.

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