Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The effective use of agricultural land is one of the most important topics in the context of sustainable development. The study of land use mechanism as the financial framework to increase investment attractiveness of the region, identifying the specifics of the formation of this type of investment infrastructure of the agrarian region as well as a proposal to strengthen areas of land as a factor of economic development and were the objective of this research work. New subjects of agriculture in the face of uncertainty in property relations were not able to increase the productivity of agricultural land. The dimensions and mechanisms of charging fees for the use of land are imperfect, and their share in the revenue part of the budgets of all levels low. Therefore, the question of land, its efficient use, preservation for future generations is crucial for the republic.

investments, investment attractiveness, agricultural land, land resources, arid areas
The effective use of agricultural land is one of the most important topics in the context of sustainable development. The study of land use mechanism as the financial framework to increase investment attractiveness of the region, identifying the specifics of the formation of this type of investment infrastructure of the agrarian region as well as a proposal to strengthen areas of land as a factor of economic development and were the objective of this research work. New subjects of agriculture in the face of uncertainty in property relations were not able to increase the productivity of agricultural land. The dimensions and mechanisms of charging fees for the use of land are imperfect, and their share in the revenue part of the budgets of all levels low. Therefore, the question of land, its efficient use, preservation for future generations is crucial for the republic.

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