Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the theoretical aspects of the study of the region's infrastructure to marketing positions. The main objectives and principles for the implementation of marketing infrastructure. Submitted content infrastructure of the region as a territorial product, defined target groups of consumers. Presented multiatributivnaya consumer properties model infrastructure of the region and identified the main features of the establishment, operation and infrastructure development in the region. The questions of necessity of formation of competitive advantages of the region's infrastructure as a factor in increasing the efficiency of its functioning and development.

infrastructure, marketing of the infrastructure, consumer quality of the infrastructure, region, territorial product, target groups of consumers
The article deals with the theoretical aspects of the study of the region's infrastructure to marketing positions. The main objectives and principles for the implementation of marketing infrastructure. Submitted content infrastructure of the region as a territorial product, defined target groups of consumers. Presented multiatributivnaya consumer properties model infrastructure of the region and identified the main features of the establishment, operation and infrastructure development in the region. The questions of necessity of formation of competitive advantages of the region's infrastructure as a factor in increasing the efficiency of its functioning and development.

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