Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the work is the analysis of the consequences of interaction of the factors of control intangible assets on the basis of expert data and estimations of the expenditures of time, and also the development of the procedures of the calculation of these estimations. The method of analysis, which uses reflexive procedures of conclusion for obtaining the transitive closing of the estimations of the expenditures of time with the use of operations of calculating the delays for the indirect effects, is the object of examination.

estimation of time delays, the factors of control of intangible assets, transitive closing, reflexive procedures
The purpose of the work is the analysis of the consequences of interaction of the factors of control intangible assets on the basis of expert data and estimations of the expenditures of time, and also the development of the procedures of the calculation of these estimations. The method of analysis, which uses reflexive procedures of conclusion for obtaining the transitive closing of the estimations of the expenditures of time with the use of operations of calculating the delays for the indirect effects, is the object of examination.

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