Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Article is devoted to an urgent question in a modern economic situation, about corruption as to sector of a shadow economy in which the enormous amounts of the money which isn't assessed by taxes rotate, but, the most important is created special subculture. Corruption acts as a subject of the analysis. The author sets as the purpose to carry out the economical and philosophical analysis of socially irresponsible behavior of subjects of institutional rule-making. Growth of corruption and expansion of a shadow economy, distribution of domestic violence and terrorism became result of such institutional rule-making practice. Very important aspect of such institutional liberalization is the legal nihilism when laws aren't value de facto, aren't perceived by subjects of activities as value and therefore aren't observed by a certain part of the population. Results of work are that the author offered some aspects of counteraction to corruption tendencies. Results of a research can be applied in the sphere of economic. Legal and social and philosophical analyses of society.

corruption, social partnership, society, social institute, public administration, universal values, counteraction, Ministry of Internal Affairs
Article is devoted to an urgent question in a modern economic situation, about corruption as to sector of a shadow economy in which the enormous amounts of the money which isn't assessed by taxes rotate, but, the most important is created special subculture. Corruption acts as a subject of the analysis. The author sets as the purpose to carry out the economical and philosophical analysis of socially irresponsible behavior of subjects of institutional rule-making. Growth of corruption and expansion of a shadow economy, distribution of domestic violence and terrorism became result of such institutional rule-making practice. Very important aspect of such institutional liberalization is the legal nihilism when laws aren't value de facto, aren't perceived by subjects of activities as value and therefore aren't observed by a certain part of the population. Results of work are that the author offered some aspects of counteraction to corruption tendencies. Results of a research can be applied in the sphere of economic. Legal and social and philosophical analyses of society.

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