Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
To date, the basis for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning and development of science in favor scientometrics, recently received a rapid development in the domestic science. The article provides a brief description of the main scientometric (bibliometric) indicators to assess the scientific activity. As the main base for the Russian science serves RSCI, researched available therein scientometric indicators, their problems and opportunities for development. The necessity of putting into practice additional indicators, due to their use as indicators of «efficient contracts» in the institutions of higher education.

Web of Science, Scopus, scientometrics, scientometric indicators, altmetrics, RSCI, Web of Science, Scopus
To date, the basis for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning and development of science in favor scientometrics, recently received a rapid development in the domestic science. The article provides a brief description of the main scientometric (bibliometric) indicators to assess the scientific activity. As the main base for the Russian science serves RSCI, researched available therein scientometric indicators, their problems and opportunities for development. The necessity of putting into practice additional indicators, due to their use as indicators of «efficient contracts» in the institutions of higher education.

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