Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Set by the President of the RF output task of Russian science in the international arena in the current conditions it is difficult in the performance due to a number of factors, including a lack of funding for research and development activities, the backwardness of the technological development of the country, as well as the complexity of the implementation collaboration studies with Russian scientists. The article as one of the mechanisms of integration of Russian science in the international scientific community highlighted research fronts - the trend of modern science-metric research. The evaluation of the possibility of using the research front, the hypothesis about the imperative of their research for modern science.

Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics, scientometrics, research fronts, collaboration, RSCI, Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics
Set by the President of the RF output task of Russian science in the international arena in the current conditions it is difficult in the performance due to a number of factors, including a lack of funding for research and development activities, the backwardness of the technological development of the country, as well as the complexity of the implementation collaboration studies with Russian scientists. The article as one of the mechanisms of integration of Russian science in the international scientific community highlighted research fronts - the trend of modern science-metric research. The evaluation of the possibility of using the research front, the hypothesis about the imperative of their research for modern science.

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