Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the areas of socio-economic development of agribusiness is creating the conditions of modernization of agrarian production, support and development competitive in the global market clusters. A cluster is a set of interrelated sectors of the economy, including public administration, basic industry, industry suppliers, and processing enterprises and manufacturers of high-tech equipment and research institutes. Criteria for the allocation of basic industry cluster is its ability to produce competitive products. Analyzing the international practice and the sectoral structure of agriculture in Russia, it should be noted that one of the key directions in the development of the agrarian economy of the Smolensk region is the establishment of a flax cluster. Cluster approach to the development of the economy of the linen subcomplex significantly increases not only the efficiency of the industry in the region, but also contributes to solving some of the socio-economic problems of the region, and also allows you to build and expand the investment platform. In addition, aktiviziruyutsya the processes of creation and development of industrial and social infrastructure, resulting in substantially increases the welfare of citizens. Today in the Smolensk region there is growth in production, indicating efficiency of flax production, which was largely due to the level of state support at the expense of means Federal and regional budgets.

Smolensk region, flax cluster, the flax growing and processing of flax, investments, state support of flax
One of the areas of socio-economic development of agribusiness is creating the conditions of modernization of agrarian production, support and development competitive in the global market clusters. A cluster is a set of interrelated sectors of the economy, including public administration, basic industry, industry suppliers, and processing enterprises and manufacturers of high-tech equipment and research institutes. Criteria for the allocation of basic industry cluster is its ability to produce competitive products. Analyzing the international practice and the sectoral structure of agriculture in Russia, it should be noted that one of the key directions in the development of the agrarian economy of the Smolensk region is the establishment of a flax cluster. Cluster approach to the development of the economy of the linen subcomplex significantly increases not only the efficiency of the industry in the region, but also contributes to solving some of the socio-economic problems of the region, and also allows you to build and expand the investment platform. In addition, aktiviziruyutsya the processes of creation and development of industrial and social infrastructure, resulting in substantially increases the welfare of citizens. Today in the Smolensk region there is growth in production, indicating efficiency of flax production, which was largely due to the level of state support at the expense of means Federal and regional budgets.

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