Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
For present-day day no nor one theories or approach, which united all studies and reflected general vision of the correlation lesdership and managament. A considered questions of the correlation lesdership and managament were In the course of work. On the grounds of studies of the experience russian and foreign successful leaders enterprise racket-cosmic industry are marked key success factor of the leader in branches. In the course of work are presented profiles competency and are chosen key competencies for leaders average level management (design and design subdivisions racket-cosmic branch).

management, leadership, success factors of the head, the theory of leadership, the head, a space industry, success factors of the head in a space industry
For present-day day no nor one theories or approach, which united all studies and reflected general vision of the correlation lesdership and managament. A considered questions of the correlation lesdership and managament were In the course of work. On the grounds of studies of the experience russian and foreign successful leaders enterprise racket-cosmic industry are marked key success factor of the leader in branches. In the course of work are presented profiles competency and are chosen key competencies for leaders average level management (design and design subdivisions racket-cosmic branch).

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