Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article shows the research results connected with the ways to define dynamic factors that tend to form microeconomic imbalance of the element system. The article defines conditions and matters of microeconomic dynamics as well as methodological approaches to problems that are caused by lack of imbalance. These problems are increase phenomenon and basic funds concentration in the sector. Special attention is paid to changing tendency of marginal costs and revenues in increasing basic funds in the agricultural sector. Methods to determine marginal efficiency of basic funds are defined in the article. Used with official statistics data, these methods make it possible to estimate the efficiency and to determine the microeconomic dynamics cyclical pattern concerned with variation mechanism of marginal efficiency of basic funds in agricultural enterprises in Komi Republic.

basic funds, basic funds concentration, user costs, marginal total revenue, marginal efficiency of basic funds
The article shows the research results connected with the ways to define dynamic factors that tend to form microeconomic imbalance of the element system. The article defines conditions and matters of microeconomic dynamics as well as methodological approaches to problems that are caused by lack of imbalance. These problems are increase phenomenon and basic funds concentration in the sector. Special attention is paid to changing tendency of marginal costs and revenues in increasing basic funds in the agricultural sector. Methods to determine marginal efficiency of basic funds are defined in the article. Used with official statistics data, these methods make it possible to estimate the efficiency and to determine the microeconomic dynamics cyclical pattern concerned with variation mechanism of marginal efficiency of basic funds in agricultural enterprises in Komi Republic.

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