Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article the author reveals the violation of legal provisions in the segment of pre-school education (DE) in the observed state budgetary educational institution (GBOU), which serve or can serve as a breeding ground for corruption offenses. The author concludes that, in the observed educational institution there is profanation of preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of conditions for corruption offenses related to «opacity» staffing of educational institutions.

educator, training specialist, speech therapist, psychologist, instructor in physical culture, corruption, staffing
In this article the author reveals the violation of legal provisions in the segment of pre-school education (DE) in the observed state budgetary educational institution (GBOU), which serve or can serve as a breeding ground for corruption offenses. The author concludes that, in the observed educational institution there is profanation of preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of conditions for corruption offenses related to «opacity» staffing of educational institutions.

1. Normativnye pravovye akty v sfere protivodeystviya korrupcii http://minobrnauki.rf/ministry/protivodeystvie-korrupcii/akty

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6. Gosudarstvennye trebovaniya k professional'noy perepodgotovke i povysheniyu kvalifikacii gosudarstvennyh grazhdanskih sluzhaschih Rossiyskoy Federacii (utv. postanovleniem Pravitel'stva RF ot 6 maya 2008 g. № 362) http://base.garant.ru/193245/

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8. Specificheskiy vid korrupcionnogo pravonarusheniya v byudzhetnyh obrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdeniyah http://qje.su/obrazovanie-i-povyshenie-kvalifikatsii/moskovskij-ekonomicheskij-zhurnal-4-2016-29/

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