Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article explores the functionality of the transformation of savings in investments in Russia today. Examines various aspects of savings behaviour of different groups of economic agents in the past five years. The article reflects the results of a study on the relationship of science and business, the participation of the state and banks in innovative and investment activities. Problems of disintegration between the participants of investment and innovative activity. Special attention is paid to the institutional complementarity of economic agents on the basis of connection of individual economic interests with the public, more effective use of investment financing instruments.

savings, investments, savings potential, financing instruments of investment
The article explores the functionality of the transformation of savings in investments in Russia today. Examines various aspects of savings behaviour of different groups of economic agents in the past five years. The article reflects the results of a study on the relationship of science and business, the participation of the state and banks in innovative and investment activities. Problems of disintegration between the participants of investment and innovative activity. Special attention is paid to the institutional complementarity of economic agents on the basis of connection of individual economic interests with the public, more effective use of investment financing instruments.

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