Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper discusses the problem of the influence of Informatization on productivity and economic growth; the methodology of assessment of efficiency of use of information resource of Information and Advisory Service (IAS) on the basis of analyzing the status and volume of information resources IAS in the Internet space; the approbation of methods of assessment of efficiency of use of information resource of IAS; calculated estimates of the effectiveness of the use of the information resource IAS calculated both private and integral ratings of IAS on the basis of the developed techniques: a comparative analysis of regional IAS based on these calculations; the possibility of formation of the union information Internet space of agricultural knowledge.

information technologies, methods of effectiveness evaluation, information and Advisory service, information resources, a unified Internet space agricultural knowledge, Informatization agriculture
The paper discusses the problem of the influence of Informatization on productivity and economic growth; the methodology of assessment of efficiency of use of information resource of Information and Advisory Service (IAS) on the basis of analyzing the status and volume of information resources IAS in the Internet space; the approbation of methods of assessment of efficiency of use of information resource of IAS; calculated estimates of the effectiveness of the use of the information resource IAS calculated both private and integral ratings of IAS on the basis of the developed techniques: a comparative analysis of regional IAS based on these calculations; the possibility of formation of the union information Internet space of agricultural knowledge.

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