Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the economic aspects and main trends in the process of informatization of agroindustrial complex of the Russian Federation for the period from 2005 to 2015. The study was conducted in the course of decomposition by types of activity. Comparison of informatization indicators of the agroindustrial complex with an average level in all branches of the national economy is shown. It have been revealed a significant increase in the investment of financial resources in the informatization of the agribusiness, the growth of its rates with a fairly low actual level, a change in the cost structure due to the increased use of software and hardware in agribusiness organizations, the development of network technologies and a unified information space of the agroindustrial complex.

informatization, unified information space, information support in AIC management, trends of AIC informatization
The article presents the economic aspects and main trends in the process of informatization of agroindustrial complex of the Russian Federation for the period from 2005 to 2015. The study was conducted in the course of decomposition by types of activity. Comparison of informatization indicators of the agroindustrial complex with an average level in all branches of the national economy is shown. It have been revealed a significant increase in the investment of financial resources in the informatization of the agribusiness, the growth of its rates with a fairly low actual level, a change in the cost structure due to the increased use of software and hardware in agribusiness organizations, the development of network technologies and a unified information space of the agroindustrial complex.

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