Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reveals the theoretical and practical aspects of the implementation of public-private partnerships at the regional level, underlines the role of the positive impact of this process on the sustainable integrated development of the sector low-rise residential construction. The analysis of the construction market in the Smolensk region. The urgency of attracting investment in this area. Considered the investment attractiveness of the region for private capital. Proposed candidates for the role of the largest investors in the agricultural sector in Smolensk region. The analysis of the benefits of public-private partnership for the state and private investors. The mechanism of implementation of public-private partnerships for projects in low-rise housing.

Smolensk region, public-private partnerships, agriculture, low-rise housing construction, countryside, national program support, housing, investment in agriculture
The article reveals the theoretical and practical aspects of the implementation of public-private partnerships at the regional level, underlines the role of the positive impact of this process on the sustainable integrated development of the sector low-rise residential construction. The analysis of the construction market in the Smolensk region. The urgency of attracting investment in this area. Considered the investment attractiveness of the region for private capital. Proposed candidates for the role of the largest investors in the agricultural sector in Smolensk region. The analysis of the benefits of public-private partnership for the state and private investors. The mechanism of implementation of public-private partnerships for projects in low-rise housing.

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